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Tips For A Successful Sarasota House Pressure Washing

Tips for a Successful Sarasota House Pressure Washing

Over time, homes become dirty. We don’t just mean the inside, where you have to deal with things like dust or mildew. We’re talking about the exterior of your home. It happens gradually, so you may not even notice it right away. But if you take a good look at your home, you may see that the siding has accumulated a decent amount of dirt or grime. When this happens, the best thing you can do is hire a professional house pressure washing service.

House Pressure Washing Tips For Your Sarasota Home

Pressure washing your home can help make it look new again. This is important whether you want your home to look its best or you’re getting ready to sell it. But before you call in the professionals, you can do a few things to prepare your home for the visit. Doing so will help the process go smoother and ensure you get the most out of it. Here are a few tips you can use for a successful house pressure washing in Sarasota:

Tips for a Successful Sarasota House Pressure Washing

Seal Off Your Home

Start by making sure that your home is properly sealed. You’ll want to go around to each door and window to ensure there is no way for water to find it inside. Make sure all the windows are completely closed and locked so that you don’t end up with some puddles on the inside of your home.

In addition, you may want to consider removing the screens from your windows and doors if you have them. While the house pressure washing service will go easy on them, it’s still possible for damage to occur. If you’re worried about damage to your screens and have enough time, removing the screens is an easy way to give yourself some extra peace of mind.

Choose the Right Day

An important thing to keep in mind is the day you schedule your house pressure washing. While the professionals are handling all the work, some aspects of it could interfere with your day. For example, you’ll need to be home if there are any issues and pay for the service. In addition, the pressure washing process can be a little loud. If you work from home, you won’t want to schedule the service when you have that important video conference. When scheduling your pressure washing service, be sure you don’t have anything else on the calendar that the service might interfere with.

Remove Obstructions

The next thing you’ll want to do is go around your home and remove anything that might get in the way of the professional power washers. The more access they have to your home, the better they’ll be able to clean it. And while most professionals will be able to find a way around your stuff, they can get the job done a lot faster if there are no obstructions. For example, if you have some garden equipment or children’s toys alongside the house, moving them into a shed or garage, for the time being, is a good idea.

Another thing to look for is any plants you have alongside your home. You don’t want these plants to get damaged in the process, so it’s often better if you can move them. If you’re unable to move any of your plants, be sure to point them out to the pressure washers to ensure they know them before beginning.

Tips for a Successful Sarasota House Pressure Washing

Finally, look for any sources of electricity outside your home. If you have an extension cord running somewhere, you’ll want to unplug it before the washers begin. Electricity and water don’t mix, so unplug anything you find to keep your home safe.

Keep Kids and Pets Away


Finally, if you have any kids or pets, you’ll want to keep them busy during the cleaning. Pressure washing a home can take a few hours, and you don’t want your kids or pets to get in the way. For example, if you typically keep your dog out in the backyard, you should keep them inside until the pressure washers are done with that area entirely. This makes the job easier for the washers and helps to keep your pets and kids safe.

Call for House Pressure Washing in Sarasota

If you’re in the Sarasota area, Peter’s Pressure Washing can help make your home look sparkling clean. Pressure washing a home is a lot of work and something you likely don’t have time for. Let us take care of it for you and go back to spending your free time more enjoyably. To get started, please get in touch with us today for more information.


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Tips for a Successful Sarasota House Pressure Washing | Peter’s Pressure Washing – Tampa, Fl