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Should I Pressure Wash Or Repaint?

Should I Pressure Wash or Repaint?

You’ve just arrived at work to find yet another tag of graffiti on the front of your building. The more you look at the thick strokes of vibrant spray paint, the more you wonder about pressure washing. Then an idea hits.
Maybe I should repaint over this. That could work, right?” you think.
If you’ve been trying to decide if you should repaint or pressure wash, read on to learn more.

pressure washingQuestions to Consider

Like with many projects you shouldn’t jump right in. There are a few things you have to think about, like:
  • How old is the paint?
  • Do you live near a busy street?
  • Are you planning to change your outside color scheme?

You should only repaint if your paint is showing visible signs of age.

pressure washing

This Old Paintpressure washing

The first step in deciding between repainting and pressure washing is to take a close look at your paint. Do you see little bulges or cracking? Is the paint a lighter color than it used to be? Has it been a decade or two since you last painted? If you answered yes to these questions, it might be time to consider painting. But if your paint is not that old and has no cracks or bulges, pressure washing is the way to go.

Passers-by and cars can kick up dirt and dust, making your building look older than it actually is.

Do You Live Near a Busy Street?pressure washing

Living near a busy street is great for foot traffic, but bad for exteriors. Passers-by and cars can kick up dirt and dust, making your building look older than it actually is.
So if you live near a busy street, try pressure washing first. Not only is it cheaper than hiring a whole crew of painters, but it also breathes new life into your paint. Pressure washing could clean up your building so well that you wouldn’t need to paint for a long while.
Best yet, graffiti tags can be washed away with pressure washing. If you painted over the graffiti, the colors might bleed through. This would leave your building looking worse off than it did before. Pressure washing leaves things clean and looking like new.

Pressure washing can make the outside of your business feel like new again.

pressure washing

pressure washingAre You Planning on Changing Your Colors?

We’ve all experienced that feeling: the desire for a new look. It’s why we change our Facebook pictures or get a new haircut. And sometimes that feeling extends to our business. “Why not change up the color scheme a little bit?” you might think.
If you’re planning on revamping the look of your office building, repainting could be for you.  But if you’re just wanting a little change, try pressure washing. It’s like rearranging furniture.
Have you moved your couch from one spot to another? Did the new spot where you put the couch make the room brighter and more fun to be in?
Or maybe you moved your office furniture around and felt a jolt of newfound energy.
Pressure washing can do the same thing. With its almost magic way of cleaning off caked-on dirt and grime, it could make your business feel like new again. In fact, pressure washing works so well it can make other businesses want to clean up their places, too.  

Call Peter’s Pressure Washing Today!

If you’re looking for Tampa Bay pressure washing from a team of experts you can trust, call Peter’s Pressure Washing at 813-455-3670 today! Simply call us or visit us online to request a fast, free estimate.

pressure washingShould I Pressure Wash or Repaint? | Peter’s Pressure Washing – Tampa Bay, FL